About Us
I was born in mild winters of 1967 in India in a hard-working and honest family. Although I don’t remember most of childhood days, there was one activity that kept me going through adult years. Star gazing was beguilement which stimulated my dreams and thoughts. Someone out there staring right back at me and listening all I had to say was comforting. Never did I imagine that my fascination will lead me to UFO tours in Sedona (details later). Entry into adulthood brought successful professional and personal developments. I am thankful to life for 2 beautiful children, both higher dimensional souls serving path of light. Life would have passed in mundane if haven’t been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Onset and progression of disease didn’t only brought pain but realization of deepest fears that needed confrontation. I hated hospitals, yet there I was standing in the hallways trenched with queasiness, facing mortality was challenging and so was fear for my family. I remembered phasing out on my prognostication and lingering dread. You feel your strength on path of pain and when life isn’t too forgiving, you either wither or turn resilient. I chose courage and found strength to persevere and endure in spite of painful surgeries and radiation that followed.

Every adversity brings growth. Greater the pain, stronger was my will to heal. Never did I know that journey to path of light had begun. I started searching healing modalities and tried every thing I heard of. From acupuncture to reiki to lama fera, there was nothing I didn’t try. Looking back, It seemed reiki or energy healing wasn’t helping my disease state but I realize today every attunement/healing session healed a spec of larger me. Personally, I feel Shiv yog in 2008 brought real transformation within and there was no turning back. My sadhana showed me powerful visions like earth rotating on its axis and kundalini activation, strengthening my faith. Since 2008-2016, I must have attended gazillion workshops- past life, family constellation, Karuna, and more. In April 2017, I stepped on sacred land of Egypt and was stupefied. Goddess Hathor and Horus temple ignited my soul, no words can justify what I experienced. Masters healed my Egyptian lifetimes and bestowed me with gifts of soul remembrance, kundalini activation, and light channeling. I was overwhelmed and felt deep sense of connection.
I recognized myself as HIGH PRIESTESS of Atlantis and channeled light from Nile River, Master Serapis Bay, Goddess Isis and Lord Horus. Tanha temple (Nov 2017; Bali tour) triggered the fire that wasn’t extinguishable. Light language siphoned the ancient wisdom and knowledge within me. I AM PRESENCE guided and channeled the information about spiritual truths, alignment within heart and mind and DNAs that need to be deactivated. Doors were finally opened and I had access to higher consciousness. Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Archangels initiated me, imparted knowledge and started clearing and healing earth life-times. Unfolding and expansion happens if you truly let go. 2018-2019 was the year of massive healing, light body activation and DNA upgradation for me. I am Light worker and my mission on earth is to guide and help souls find their way back home. I heal through light language codes of higher vibration, very advanced healing technique and is beyond traditional spiritual laws. I hope my story encourages to take quantum leap for yours.