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Harness the sacred energies 02/02/2022
Today is the auspicious day time of new beginning and inner transformation. Time for greater spiritual awakening, time to open more, time to manifest the highest divine possibilities in your life. Today we are blessed with universal 2022 divine feminine power. It is time to move beyond the old blocks and negative programming.
222 awaken feminine power within all who are receptive and awaken.
It is the time of sacred feminine womb, place for renewal regeneration and rebirth. Time to infuse amplify feminine psychic abilities, healing abilities.
222 master code of clarity opens transparency awakens feminine energy and balance masculine and feminine.
Time to harness 222 energy.
Healing & Strengthening Bones of Neck, Spine. Hips, Knees and Ankles. (Introduction)
In today’s session we will release energetic binds that can lead to tight joints, inflammation and pain in bones and joints, stiffness in joints.
When the body is out of alignment, other aspects are also affected and why the body go out of alignment. There are specific energetic factors such as your limited beliefs as you know man is made by his beliefs. As he believes so he is. Another factors are your unexpressed hidden anger, traumatic painful memories, habits that do not support your energy system, spiritual disconnection, negative thought patterns and behaviors, bitterness, toxicity victimhood consciousness, victim of circumstances, victim of genes, victim of environment, victim of natural disaster, victim of abuse, energies of doubt, feeling of powerlessness, that you have stored in your cells, DNA’S and RNA’S resulting in chronic diseases imbalance in hormonal system, pain in body and joints, stiffness in joints, inflammation in joints, frozen shoulders so when your habits, conditions get integrated into your physical body and when you are able to recover the deeper message behind the symptoms, only then healing happens. One must release energies from a state of being unfocused and scattered into being focused, flowing, and aligned.
You must understand that body mind and spirit are interconnected.
When the body is out of alignment, mind and spirit will always be affected and vice versa. Those unaligned energies drain your energies from your system making your energy field sluggish. So, the important part is you being able to identify the issues in your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. It is very important to go deep inside your body and identify what is holding you back. Your illness pain, discomfort, stiffness, inflammation no longer needed in your system. More you understand more life forces will flow into your system. For example, maybe someone suffering from frozen shoulder and maybe the cause of frigidity in his/her shoulders is due to deep trauma or anger which he or she has stored from his childhood, when he/she was not allowed to have what one wanted and one feel like no one loved him/her, No one cared for him/her blocking energy flow and vitality making bone stiff, causing pain and inflammation. Deep chords also formed due to these beliefs, constricting the movements and when you clear emotional issues and release these thick subtle chords energies starts to flow, so it is very important to identify these destructive, negative toxic emotions. Paradigm upgrading energy systems so that higher energy can flow into your system, into your sacred vessel and you become the vessel of sacred light, this is the foundation for health and total body well-being.
In this session we will work on your skeleton system, on shoulders, spine hip joints, knees and ankle will release frozen energies from shoulders, pain inflammation from spine, hips and ankles, inflammation and pain from knees and joints, will also release Karmic imprints, lower vibrational energies, toxic though forms stored in bones and also will strengthen your joints, bones and muscles by bringing more crystalline light into bones so that you can relax more and you can trust your body more. The light code will help you to assimilate lower energies, lower beliefs and mindsets will release the energies causing pain in joints and bones.