Date(s) - July 1, 2021 - July 30, 2021
10:00 pm - 11:30 pm
Categories No Categories
AS MAHATMA GANDHI SAID” We Must Be The Change We Wish To See In The World ”
Join me for full one month, you will walk through a powerful transformational processess that will actually raise your vibration and frequency at the spot , and than you will able to see BEAUTY. LOVE. PEACE. COMPASSION. RECEPTIVITY. JOY, HAPPINESS AND ENDLESS POTENTIAL OF GOOD WITHIN YOUR SELF AND IN OTHERS.
When your energy level is high, you are in harmony with source..
Rise above any of your _negative emotions.
Change the vibrations of your house, workplace
3.Learn to deep cleanse your chakras,, aura,
Enhance your life force energy flow through out your body
Change the vibrations of your house, workplace
4. Learn to clear the land of your house, land below floor and of mother earth.
5.Expand your chakra and your consciousness.
5.Release your old paradigm( that is not serving you now, and that is not for your highest best) and dive into New energies of Higher Consciousness.
6.Release all core fear matrix programme that are grown like black weeds in your energy field.
7.Will release and learn to release Entities, Discarmates.
8,Will close dark Portals and learn to close them that drain your energy.
9.will close wormholes and learn to close them
Raise your vibrations in preparation for Ascension and creating a new earth.
Experience the shift of evolution.
A natural light will be restored not only to you but the earth ‘Crystalline Grid. Because earth and our bodies are built energetically the sameway.
And at the end you will receive a download of new cords, new templates, new soul programming. Thus you have a higher frequency and the reality _You will attract people, places times and events that resonate with the new Higher frequency.
1st July to 30 the july
Timing__ 10 pm to 11:30 pmIST
EE_ 21000/_ INR
WhatsApp No- +918054539079
Flow in love
All good and want to grow in spirituality
I am very keen to do this one month meditation
Wish to change